Having easy indoor plants inside your home and office not only makes the environment more welcoming, but a lot of plants also help clean the air around you.
At Stanler farms we have a variety of indoor plants that are easy to care for and don’t require a lot of maintenance. Not only are these plants beautiful, but they also have super air-cleaning qualities to improve your daily life.
Peace Lilly
This easy to care for indoor plant is common and quite well known throughout the world. Peace Lillies love bright indirect sunlight and prefer moist but not soggy soil. This low maintenance house plant is going to spruce up your decor while also removing mould spurs from the air.
These guys thrive indoors and adjust well to most lighting and water conditions. A super air-purifying plant, just by placing one of these plants every 100 square feet will improve the air quality around you. With a variety of different Philodendrons to choose from, you will definitely find one perfect for your home or office.
Our proudly South African indigenous succulent is a must-have in your home, office and garden. This little guy is so easy to look after as not only is it water-wise, but is so easy to propagate too! This succulent fights air pollution and it is highly recommended that everybody have at least one spekboom somewhere on their property, aiding the population to work together in fighting air pollution.
Monstera Deliciosa
Monstera Deliciosa or Swiss-cheese plant is a popular indoor house plant. Known for their individualised natural leaf holes, a Monstera is able to tolerate just about any living condition. A Monstera can reach between 10 and 15 feet tall, by no means a small plant, but definitely a centrepiece in any home.
Did you know that Monstera Deliciosa holey leaves are deliberate? Originally and still used as an outdoor plant, these Monsters have evolved to have holey leaves to withstand heavy rainfall due to their original and natural habitat.
Spider Plant
Now this is a plant with many different names – Spider Ivy, Ribbon Plant, hens and chickens, amongst others. Easy to grow in a pot or even standing in water, this is one versatile and adaptable plant. Growing ‘babies’ from the main plant, you can have more and more plants as time goes on. The little babies root themselves if planted in the ground, or grow hanging babies that fall over the pot. Truly pretty and easy to manage, this is a must have in any household.
Cast Iron Plant
One of my absolute favourites. With beautiful long leaves that can fill a nice size pot it really is a beautiful plant bringing in lots of green to the home or office. Producing small flowers at the base of stems which is quite unusual to see, these guys are full of secrets. As the name suggests, Case iron plants are almost indestructible, an easy peasy plant to look after.
Snake Plant
Snake plants or ‘Mother in Law’s Tongue’ are practically super plants, removing toxic pollutants from the air. Able to grow in low lit areas of the home or office, or strong but not direct sunlight. It is important to not overwater your snake plant, especially during winter when the plant is dormant. If you were to place the snake plant in your room while you sleep it is believed to help you sleep better as it emits oxygen at night.
Visit Stanler Farms indoor nursery today and find an air purifying plant to fit your space!