Pruning your trees has amazing benefits, one of which is that it aids in promoting growth to your trees and shrubs.  Not sure how to prune your plants?  Below we give our number 1 thing to remember to make pruning a success!

Promoting Growth

By pruning your plants in late winter/early spring, or alternatively just after they bloom, you are able to promote growth in your plants.  Depending on how much you prune back, will depend on the overall outcome that you are trying to achieve.  By pruning your plants right back you will be creating vigorous new growth, however, just cutting back ⅓ of the tree will allow for slower growth.

Pruning for beginners

Pruning is not just a matter of snipping off twigs and dead leaves, but really getting stuck in and having a good look at your plant. The most important thing to remember is that when you cut back a stem, always cut back to a bud (part of the plant that may develop into a flower, leaf or shoot). If you were to cut in the middle of two buds it is just going to die back.  By cutting close above the bud you promote new growth.

Once you have pruned your shrub, make sure to top up the soil with good compost to sustain and nourish regrowth to your soil.

Read more on this interesting subject in Part 2 of Pruning has benefits with Stanler Farms.
